23 de março de 2003

* * * I wont let my life just slip away * * *

°°° The neverending lights and those silly smiles
Our bodies are cold but We have heat in our hearts
Another city, other friends, another day will rise after the greatest nights (...)
I´ll die to feel alive. Break the distance between you and me
I can hardly wait for another time to run over there miles again. Over Again °°°

Odyssey - Kerouac´s spirit -LindÁsso-

Ouvir o cd do Odyssey -eleven reasons to live, eleven reasons to die- me fez ter vários tipos de sensações, uma combinação muito estranha entre felicidade, tristesa, empolgação e nostalgia. Fico viajando bunito nas letras..

I´m still fucking free
show me a thousand reasons
you´ll never bring me down

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